CBGA - Coldwell Banker Gene Armstrong
CBGA stands for Coldwell Banker Gene Armstrong
Here you will find, what does CBGA stand for in Real Estate under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Coldwell Banker Gene Armstrong? Coldwell Banker Gene Armstrong can be abbreviated as CBGA What does CBGA stand for? CBGA stands for Coldwell Banker Gene Armstrong. What does Coldwell Banker Gene Armstrong mean?The United States based company is located in West Hollywood, California engaged in real estate industry.
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Alternative definitions of CBGA
- Ceramic Ball Grid Array
- ceramic ball grid array
- Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability
- Carpatho Balkan Geological Association
- Central Bank Gold Agreement
- Cale Ball Grid Array
- Carpathian Balkan Geological Association
View 8 other definitions of CBGA on the main acronym page
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- COFB Channel One Food Bank
- CME Commercial Market Exchange
- CVSC Champlain Valley Senior Community
- CLN Community Living Network
- CSI Communication Services Inc
- COP City of Oakland Park
- CF City of Ferguson
- CAMS Compass Asset Management Sa
- CGUKL Control Group UK Ltd
- CVS Cole Vocational Services
- CFRC Children and Family Resource Center
- CSIMH CSI Mission Hospital
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